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Learn more about who we are

What We Believe

We believe that change is possible.
We believe that God changes people.
We believe that God communicates through His Word, the Bible.
We believe that God’s Word contains answers to many of life’s questions, and practical help.
We believe that everyone has something to contribute and that asking good questions is far better than simply giving answers.


Our Name

In Hebrew, the word תַּלְמִיד "talmid" means pupil, scholar, or disciple. The organization That The World May Know gives the following explanation: “The Hebrew word for disciple is talmid.

This word stresses the relationship between rabbi (teacher or master) and disciple (student). A talmid of Jesus' day would give up his entire life in order to be with his teacher. The disciple didn't only seek to know what the teacher knew, as is usually the case today. It was not enough just to know what the rabbi said, but the foremost goal of any talmid was to become like the rabbi and do what the rabbi did.”

We want to see disciples, people whose whole life is impacted by God's Word, people who want to become like Jesus and do what Jesus did.